Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MLM vs Pharmaceutical

The Pharmaceutical companies have become giants in the corporate world, all on the backs of the population with health problems. Is this good or bad? Well first of all we need to thank the Pharmaceutical companies for a lot of life saving drugs and helping some people's quality of life. But do the Pharmaceutical companies really have your best interest in mind? Probably not. What drive these corporate giants are sales and profits. Study the side affects of almost any medication and wonder if the trade off is really worth it. In many cases you will say yes, especially if you are truly ill.

But let's switch tables for a moment. A friend of yours has a nutrient based product promoted through a Multi Level Marketing company and it promises to do the same thing as the medication you are taking with out the side affects. Do you agree to give it a try? Probably not. But why are people willing to except the risks associated with medications and not a natural product? Most are first afraid to get involved with a MLM group because they don't want to sell. Next they are scared the product does not have the FDA approval. But is the FDA really looking out for your interest? Allowing medication to got to market with the long list of side affects dose not look like they are. How many medications have been taken off the market because of problems and then years of law suites follow? Have you ever heard of a MLM company having to remove their products? Listen to the testimonials of people taking MLM nutrient based products and see how people are finding relief from different illnesses.

The bigger question is why do these nutrient based product companies seem to always go through a MLM approach to get their product out? Well mostly because of the FDA. The product testing is very costly and to label these products with true benefits takes years of testing. Rumor is that the FDA usually squashes any hopes of these product ever coming out. One example was aired on a 60 minute program recently.

A team of doctors began studying the properties of the skin of red grapes. This has been called Resveratol, similar to the stories of why red wine is good for you. These doctors were testing on mice and humans, finding that resveratol may possibly reduce the aging process, eliminate organ fat and aiding in the circulatory system. The results were beyond astounding and these doctors thought they would make an important break through with this product. But at the end of this 60 Minute program it was stated that the Pharmaceutical giant Glaxo-Smith had purchased this company. These doctors sold out for money and will we ever see a natural resveratol product come from a pharmaceutical giant? My guess is no.

Another similar story is about the affects of nitric oxide. Dr Louis J. Ignarro won the Nobel Prize in 1998 with his discovery of the affects nitric oxide has on the blood vessels. His finding show dramatic results of reduced heart disease. (The Leading Cause of Death) He has recently published a book called No More Heart Disease explaining his findings. But eleven years later we still do not have doctors or pharmaceutical companies pushing this Nobel Prize finding.

Examples similar to this are every where. Stay up late and watch the infomercials and you will see a program called Natural Cures "They" Don't Want You to Know About, there is also a book in the same name by Kevin Trudeau.

There is a place for the Pharmaceutical companies and a place for the MLM companies. But why can't we get the medical world to make the natural products more prevalent? I say again Money.

So before you immediately disregard someone offering you a MLM product, ask a few questions.

1. Is this person telling me about how great the product is and related stories of people finding help or is money making the main subject? If money is the main subject the product must not be very good.

2. Has the company been in business for at least 10 years and have the products been on the market for several years. This is a sign that the company is reputable and no serious problems have come from the products.

3. Ask if there is any type of money back guarantee or a sample trial.

4. Ask for referrals of people taking the products and the ingredients of the product.

5. Ask if you can just purchase the product and not be involved with selling it. If a company does both scenarios they have more confidence people will like the product.

There are a lot of different products sold through MLM and yes there are scams so be careful. But not all companies are the same and there really are some great products sold through MLM. So you decide if a natural product may help your health or if risky side affects are worth is.

From My Ezine article http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Feller

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Help Me Please

Do you Squidoo or ever read Squidoo Lenses? I have several posted. The goal in this is to get in the top 100 lenses. I posted a new lense Friday April 17,2009 and it is alread ranked at 1796. The only thing that gets me closer is readers. Please read my post to help me get there.

Here is the link Eliminate Heart Disease
NO More Heart Disease: How Nitric Oxide Can Prevent--Even Reverse--Heart Disease and Strokes

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Unlimited Income

When you imagine the future, what do you see? The same old daily grind, or financial independence, personal freedom, and the ability to choose how to spend your time each day?

If wealth and freedom are your goals, Synergy’s Mega-Match compensation plan will help you achieve them. This unique plan pays out an amazing 55 percent of commission able sales after paying Fast Start and Elite Rebate each month. No other industry plan can match this.

Even better, this compensation plan enables you to make money in seven ways, giving you the opportunity to meet your personal financial goals and achieve monetary success. We invite you to review our plan and reflect on how it can positively impact your life.

Join me at Synergy WorldWide to Create your Unlimited Income.

My Personal Synergy Site My Diabetes My Synergy

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Age Reducer

I recently had a friend give me a book to read, No More Heart Disease, by Louis J. Ignarro. I was reluctant by as I got into this book I found a lot of great information. I ask why the doctors don't get behind this and make people better? Heart disease affects 50% of the population, so I have to suggest to anyone, PLEASE read this book. The benefits of nitric oxide may save your life. If you want to know more about a great L-arginine and L-citrulline product please contact me. stevefeller21@msn.com


See this great video on L-arginine Age reducer

Also here is the link to this must read book.

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